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Acton Takes Action | May 24, 2024 – Today, Ruthie Brock, Chair of the Acton Takes Action Community Task Force (ATA), sent out an activity report email to bring everyone up-to-date as to what is happening in our fight to prevent lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) facilities from being developed and built in Acton. If you didn't receive the email, read on for the full report covering the following topics and events:

  • Our First Hearing! – Update on the SORT-filed Legal Complaint Against LA County and Hecate
  • Acton takes Action Anti-BESS Warriors Will March in Acton's Annual 4th of July Parade
  • Laney Clevenger and Katherine Tucker To Hold Acton Anti-BESS War Chest Fundraising Bake Goods & "Don't BESS with Acton" Button Sale at Acton's 4th of July Parade
  • We Still Need to Raise Money for Our WAR CHEST Legal Fund!

Hi, Folks!

This will just be a very quick update of our May activities....

Our First Hearing! – Update on the SORT-filed Legal Complaint Against LA County and Hecate

May 23rd – Just returned from LA Superior Court from our first hearing on our BESS lawsuit.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best outcome, today was a 7!

The judge was fair, heard both sides and rather than set a trial date— which we were hoping for— he set an another date for a followup hearing in 60 days. This will give more time for documents to be provided for the Administrative Record so it can hopefully then be deemed complete and be certified.

There are a few other outstanding parts of the BESS project approval by County that need to be completed, mostly regarding the interconnecting transmission line. Today, the judge decided to grant the 60 days to see what can be accomplished.

Even if there is no progress in 60 days we do feel the judge will move the case forward and set a trial date which will now be 60 days later than our original October target date, so most likely in December.

I realize this may not be as detailed as some of you were hoping but I need to protect the integrity of our lawsuit and therefore cannot get into the details on social media.

They say "patience is a virtue." So Acton will continue to be "virtuous" for a little bit longer—because this is a project that could change our town forever... and not for the better.

Acton takes Action Anti-BESS Warriors Will March in Acton's Annual 4th of July Parade

Acton Takes Action will be marching in the Acton 4th of July Parade and we’d love lots of you to walk with us! Wear your “Don’t BESS with Acton” t-shirts or any black shirt and come join in! If you’d like to be part of our group, email me at Ruth Brock,, and I will tell you when and where to show up on the 4th. More details on the March as we get closer to July 4th...

Let’s show our strength in numbers!

Until next time... as always — DON’T BESS WITH ACTON!


Laney Clevenger and Katherine Tucker To Hold Acton Anti-BESS War Chest Fundraising Bake Goods & Button Sale at Acton's 4th of July Parade

Acton Takes Action | UPDATE June 10, 2024 – Laney Clevenger and Katherine Tucker will have an Acton Anti-BESS War Chest Fundraising Bake Goods & "Don't BESS with Acton" Button Sale at Acton’s Annual 4th of July Parade to raise War Chest funds.

Show your support for Acton's Anti-BESS efforts... come out and buy some delicious baked goods and a "Don't BESS with Acton" button to wear proudly at the Parade and everyday! Laney's and Katherine's table (to be located near (or on) the Acton Park Pavilion) will be open before, during and after the Parade!

Katherine & Laney will also have handouts available that give a brief description of the BESS – why we don’t want it and where we are in our opposition – PLUS printed Anti-BESS Acton War Chest Donation Forms – PLEASE... we still need everyone's help in our legal fight against LA County!

More details to come on the baked goods & button sale as we get closer to July.

ATA Continues to Collect WAR CHEST DONATIONS to Fund Legal Fees. We Need Everyone's Help!

Thank you all for being in the trenches with ATA and SORT in the battle to keep Humidor and other BESS out of our community! However, we still need to add money to our War Chest legal fund!

If you haven’t donated, please help our community by doing your part! And, if you donated earlier and have not reissued a replacement check for the prior one that was rejected by Hanson Bridgett LLP, please... please... PLEASE make out a new check made payable to SAVE OUR RURAL TOWN and mail it in as soon as possible to the address below.

Make the new check payable to SAVE OUR RURAL TOWN (please do NOT make payable to Acton Takes Action). Save Our Rural Town (SORT) is the filer of our lawsuit and will collect the WAR CHEST donations and then make direct payment to the law firm of Hanson Bridgett LLP on our behalf.

Please MAIL donation checks with your Donation Check Form* to:
Acton Takes Action
3807 Sierra Hwy Suite 6-4397
Acton CA 93510

(Again, please do NOT make payable to Acton Takes Action)

Please CLICK HERE to download and print the WAR CHEST CHECK DONATION FORM with complete instructions.

*NOTE: If you are ONLY reissuing your donation check, you do NOT need to download, print, nor fill out a new donation form. Ruthie Brock will update your original form and then send you an email confirmation once she receive your new check.

Thank you everyone!

Ruthie Brock
Chair, Acton Takes Action

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