ATA Anti-BESS Supporter Rockstars 2.0 attend LACo BOS 11-26-24 meeting to voice objections about the Hecate Grid Humidor 1 project Franchise Agreement Ordinance

ATA News

Acton takes Action Anti-BESS Warriors Attend LACo BOS November 26, 2024 Meeting to Comment on Franchise Agreement Ordinance BOS Vote

Acton Takes Action | December 12, 2024 – by Ruthie Brock, ATA Chair – ATA "Don't BESS With Acton" Supporters bussed to the BOS hearing regarding the Hecate Humidor LLC Franchise Agreement Ordinance hearing. As expected the Supervisors passed it with a 5-0 vote. 26 Acton residents attended the hearing and they provided comments in opposition. All of those comments go into the official record on this project, and will further support our lawsuit. The residents did an AMAZING job presenting facts while also speaking from their hearts. Jacki Ayer, SORT Director and I were so proud of the job everyone did!

CLICK HERE for a PDF of the full text for the passed Hecate Humidor 1 LLc Franchise Agreement Ordinance. I think our community and surrounding community supporters will be especially interested in the indemnification clause and the insurance requirements that are stipulated for the Humidor project.

The next pre-trial Superior Court hearing is scheduled for January 16, 2025. Now that the last part of the project approval has been executed (the Franchise Agreement Ordinance), the judge should allow the lawsuit to finally move forward if the Administrative Record is ready to be certified.

Stay tuned for new information as it breaks.

READ THE FULL ORDINANCE – LACo BOS Electrical Transmission Franchise Agreement Ordinance with Hecate Grid Humidor Storage 1 LLC Effective November 28, 2024

Please be sure to bookmark the new L.A. County Board of Supervisors Resources Page where we will be posting updates on the Superior Court SORT Lawsuit proceedings, filings, and all new LACo BOS documents related to Hecate Grid Humidor project and other BESS facility documents as they occur.

Acton takes Action Anti-BESS Warriors Will March in Acton's Annual 4th of July Parade

Acton Takes Action | May 24, 2024 – Acton Takes Action will be marching in the Acton 4th of July Parade and we’d love lots of you to walk with us! Wear your "Don’t BESS with Acton" t-shirts or any black shirt and come join in! If you’d like to be part of our group, email Ruthie Brock today at, and I will tell you when and where to show up on the 4th. More details on the March as we get closer to July...

Let’s show our strength in numbers!

Laney Clevenger and Katherine Tucker To Hold Acton Anti-BESS War Chest Fundraising Bake Goods & Button Sale at Acton's 4th of July Parade

Acton Takes Action | UPDATE June 10, 2024 – Laney Clevenger and Katherine Tucker will have an Acton Anti-BESS War Chest Fundraising Bake Goods & "Don't BESS with Acton" Button Sale at Acton’s Annual 4th of July Parade to raise War Chest funds.

Show your support for Acton's Anti-BESS efforts... come out and buy some delicious baked goods and a "Don't BESS with Acton" button to wear proudly at the Parade and everyday! Laney's and Katherine's table (to be located near (or on) the Acton Park Pavilion) will be open before, during and after the Parade!

Katherine & Laney will also have handouts available that give a brief description of the BESS – why we don’t want it and where we are in our opposition – PLUS printed Anti-BESS Acton War Chest Donation Forms – PLEASE... we still need everyone's help in our legal fight against LA County!

More details to come on the baked goods & button sale as we get closer to July.

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