ATA News
Letter to LACoFD | ATA Inquiry About the Progress of the Application by Hecate on the Humidor Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) project proposed for Acton, CA.
Acton Takes Action | August 02, 2023 – On August 1st, ATA Chair, Ruthie Brock, posted an update on the Hecate Humidor BESS project being returned to a ministerial review with LA County (See August 1, 2023 bulletin below.). Later on the afternoon of August 1, Mrs Brock received an answer to her email sent to LACoFD Fire Prevention Captain Canchola in the Lancaster, CA, office, from LACoFD Fire Prevention Division Chief Yanagisawa (who was copied in the initial email). Ruthie then sent her response to Chief Yanagisawa.
In his response, Chief Yanagisawa wrote, "Regarding the application filed by the developer with the LA County Fire Department, a basic site plan has been submitted. We are waiting for a detailed plan submission. I can assure you that any application that we receive undergoes a thorough review to ensure compliance with fire safety regulations and to mitigate potential risks." He further wrote, "The concerns about the fire risks associated with lithium-ion batteries are indeed valid." To read the full text of the correspondence, CLICK HERE.
Please remember to attend the next ATC meeting on Monday, August 7, 2023, at 6.30pm in the Acton-Agua Dulce Library meeting room. We need to continue to demonstrate the Acton Community's strong Anti-BESS position. Don't forget to wear your "Don't BESS with Acton" t-shirt!
Important BESS Update on Hecate Grid's Humidor BESS Project
Acton Takes Action | August 01, 2023 – ATA Chair, Ruthie Brock reported today on social media platform, Next Door, that the Acton Town Council (ATC) had received disappointing news regarding the status of Hecate Grid's Humidor BESS project.
Back in February, the ATC was able to stop a ministerial approval of the Hecate Humidor project due to it being partially located on A-2 zoned land. Regional Planning rescinded their initial approval and then required that the project go through a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. The “CUP” process would have been far more stringent because a BESS facility would not be able to comply with A-2 zoning allowable uses.
Today, August 1st, the ATC received an update on the Humidor project from Regional Planning. The developer (Hecate) has modified their project so that it no longer is on any A-2 zoned land, therefore Regional Planning has reopened their application under a ministerial review.
The ATC reached out to Ruthie Brock and informed her of the news. Mrs Brock immediately went, in person, to the Regional Planning and Building and Safety office to inquire about the progress of the newly reopened ministerial review application. Ruthie was told that there is nothing filed as far as permits yet in the system, but that the developer had made contact with Fire Prevention back in April. Mrs Brock then went to the Fire Prevention desk at Building & Safety for further information, but the staff member manning that desk had departed for lunch. After getting contact information from B&S for LACoFD, Ruthie was later able to email the LACoFD Fire Captain in charge, also cc:'g Chief Yanagisawa, Chief of LACoFD Fire Prevention Division, and is now awaiting a response from the fire department.
For now, the Hecate Grid Humidor BESS Project is back and undergoing a ministerial review for approval. To be clear, there is no approval as of August 1st. The ATC is digging back in, preparing to rebut Regional Planning's decision to downgrade the Humidor project to ministerial approval.
Please attend the next ATC meeting on Monday, August 7, 2023, at 6.30pm in the Acton-Agua Dulce Library meeting room. We need to continue to demonstrate the Acton Community's strong Anti-BESS position. Don't forget to wear your "Don't BESS with Acton" t-shirt!
Acton Town Council | July 17, 2023 – At the meeting, the Acton Town Council was able to share the concerns of our community and discuss the upcoming challenges facing us in our efforts to oppose these mammoth-capacity lithium-ion battery energy storage system (BESS) facilities.
The discussion covered a number of important BESS-related topics such as project siting requirements, the California Energy Commission's "Opt-in Program," land use jurisdiction, requirements for energy development as covered in California Assembly Bill AB205 and the Warren-Alquist Act, LA County’s adopted Antelope Valley General Plan, and so much more. To read the full meeting report, CLICK HERE.
California Representative, Mike Garcia, Shows his Support for the Acton/Agua Dulce Anti-BESS Facility Efforts!
Acton Takes Action | July 7, 2023 – Ruthie Brock, Chair of the Acton Takes Action Community Task Force (ATA), was recently contacted by Congressman Mike Garcia (District 27), regarding Acton and Agua Dulce's strong, growing ANTI-BESS movement and efforts to get all proposed BESS facilities denied from being built in Acton. After discussing the main points of A/AD's Anti-BESS efforts, Congressman Garcia decided to immediately look into the situation more deeply.
On the afternoon of July 7, 2023, Mr Garcia traveled out to the proposed 15-acre site in Acton where Hecate Grid's Humidor BESS project will be located if approved. The Humidor site would be situated in a "choke point" (see MAP DETAIL) in the major LA to Palmdale transportation corridor, butting up to both the Sierra Hwy and Vincent Grade Metrolink Station and double track freight/passenger rail lines and on one side, and Angeles Crest Hwy on the other side; in addition, Antelope Valley 14 Fwy is less than an eighth of a mile away. While onsite, Congressman Garcia didn't waste anytime posting on Twitter a video where he stated, "The proposed Battery Energy System Storage sites in Acton are not ideal for our community and the infrastructure around it. These are massive lithium-ion battery facilities and the proposed locations within CA-27 are disasters waiting to happen."
To read the rest of Mr. Garcia's post and watch the full video, CLICK HERE.
"DON'T BESS WITH ACTON"! – Anti-BESS Swag T-shirts & Bumper Stickers will be Available at Acton Park on July 4th.

UPDATED! Acton Takes Action | June 29, 2023 – Just confirmed... On Tuesday, July 4, ATC and Anti-BESS Supporter Laney Clevenger of Acton will be selling her dynamic "Don't BESS with Acton" Bumper Stickers at Acton Park under the Pavilion on Tuesday, July 4th from 8am to 11am.
The bright red bumper stickers are 10 in long x 3 in high. Bumper Sticker Prices: 1 sticker $3.00 ea OR 2 stickers $5.00 (includes sales tax). 100% of the net proceeds benefit the Acton Town Council to support their Anti-BESS efforts! Can't make it to the parade? Contact Laney via email at to make arrangements for purchase and pick-up.
ATA Spokesperson, Ruthie Brock, will be selling "Don't BESS with Acton" T-shirts at Acton Park under the Pavilion from 8:00 am to 11:00 am, so be sure to drop by to pick-up your pre-ordered T-shirts, – and don't worry! – Ruthie will have a BIG supply of T-shirts there to buy on the spot.
T-shirt Price: $15.00 each (includes sales tax). 1 Color: Black; Unisex; Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL; T-shirts are PRE-SHRUNK.
Net proceeds from the sale of T-shirts is split 50-50 between ATA and the Acton Town Council. Please come out and show your community support for both Acton Takes Action and our great Council's Anti-BESS Efforts! Can't make it to the parade? Contact Ruthie via email at to make arrangements for purchase and pick-up.
Ruthie also let us know that she and ATA Team Members will be strolling the parade route gathering petition signatures on the 4th. They'll be wearing “Don’t BESS with Acton” T-shirts, so be on the look-out for them and sign the petition if you haven't yet done so!
Don't Miss the Annual Acton 4th of July Parade. Happy 4th Everyone!
For more news use the page numbers below for past posts.