ATA News
Acton Town Council | June 22, 2023 – Ruthie Brock, Chair of the Acton Takes Action Community Task Force (ATA), was contacted by the Acton Town Council (ATC) with urgent information regarding recently made “donations” by BESS developers to local groups and organizations in Acton.
The Council said, "Simply accepting and endorsing a check received from a BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) developer demonstrates acceptance of the donation. This simple action can be used by the developer to MANIPULATE the community by claiming that their donation is evidence that they have provided a 'Community Benefit'." Read the complete details about the suspicious BESS Developer "donation" acivities on the BESS ALERT! page of this website.
A MUST READ! On June 28, 2023, the Acton Town Council sent a LETTER to BOS Supervisor Kathryn Barger notifying the LA County 5th District Board of Supervisors about the suspicious BESS developer "donation" activities. The Council was very clear in their statements to Ms Barger about their activities, lack of openly or honorably interacting with the Acton community, and their underhanded behavior. READ LETTER >>
Great News! The Vista BESS Project Proposal Has Been Withdrawn.
Acton Town Council | June 20, 2023 – ATA spokesperson, Ruth Brock, received news from the ATC this week that the Vista BESS Project proposal has been withdrawn from CAISO (California Independent System Operator). On the CAISO website ( the reason for withdrawal was simply stated as a "failure to cure deficiencies." If ATA receives more details about the Vista withdrawal from the ATC we will relay that info to the community. One down, 6 to go!

ATA Anti-BESS Kick-off Rally a Great Success!
On Saturday, June 3, 2023, at 10:00am, the Acton Takes Action Community Task Force rallied at Acton Park to begin their battle against the proposed BESS facilities in planning for development in Acton.
At the Rally, a crowd of about 200 gathered on the first sunny, warm day in weeks to sign the anti-BESS petition and hear the latest information and updates on these projects. Residents from Acton and Agua Dulce were also joined by supporters from the Antelope Valley, Rosamond, and Santa Clarita communities.
The Anti-BESS Rally continued and expanded upon a conversation that had begun a few days earlier with an online post – sort of an “All Points Bulletin!” alert – on social media to the residents of Acton and Agua Dulce.
First, ATA Chair and Acton resident, Ruthie Brock, spoke on the dangers of the Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), then resident and ATC Council Member Jacki Ayer spoke regarding what we know about each of the proposed BESS projects now in development (Though there is still so much that we do not know!). Jacki then took questions from anxious residents eager to learn more. The rally also provided an opportunity for attendees to meet their neighbors and share their mutual concerns. Those who attended were strongly unified in their opposition to the proposed BESS facilities coming to Acton.
Our efforts to oppose all BESS development in Acton will continue to gain strength and momentum as clearly evidenced by so many of Acton, and sister town Agua Dulce, residents stepping up to help spread the word and gather petition signatures.
The rally was covered by the AV Press, CBS Channel 2 News, KCal Channel 9 News, and KFI AM640 iHeart Radio's senior correspondent, Steve Gregory! Two days later Ruthie and Jacki were also interviewed by Christina Gonzalez from KTTV FOX 11 News who did a great job of covering our opposition movement. FOX 11 stayed to cover the Acton Town Council meeting that evening, which was standing room only.
One message that immediately became crystal clear to all who read, watched, and listened to news coverage of Acton's Anti-BESS movement as it unfolded was... "DON’T BESS WITH ACTON ...'cuz WE don’t horse around!"